Are You A New Renter?
If you are a new renter of a house or an apartment, we have a Tell All Guide about Renters Insurance you should definitely take a look at NOW.
Renters Insurance Discounts
Renters Insurance | Much like Homeowners Insurance we offer lots of ways to save on renters insurance. Ask about available discounts for you and your policy to find out what’s right for you. Also like Homeowners, Renters Earthquake Insurance is available as well.
These are the discounts you can get for just being you!
You’ll save on your policy if you have not filed a claim with your previous insurance carrier for five years or more.
Early Shopper Discount
Wow! This is a good one. Quote with us before your current policy expires and we’ll help you save up to 45% when you sign with us.
Having more than one insurance policy through SGB can save you time — and money. When you bundle more than one insurance policy together, like your home and auto insurance, you can save money on our already competitive rates with our Multi-Policy Discount.
Plus, by keeping all of your insurance policies in one place, you can manage them easily, all in one place. When you register for an account with eService you can quickly pay your bill, manage and track your claims, and even update your policies anytime, day or night.
Discounts and savings are available where state laws and regulations allow, and may vary by state. Certain discounts apply to specific renters’ insurance coverages only. To the extent permitted by law, applicants are individually underwritten; not all applicants may qualify.
What about Landlord Insurance?
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(951) 363-2886
During Office Hours:
9:am – 5:pm M-F
9:am – 1:pm Saturday
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