Imagine that you spent several hundred dollars or more on homeowners insurance coverage, just so that you could have a little peace of mind if something went wrong. Now imagine that your insurance company denied your claim after your home was damaged or ruined beyond repair.
Denied claims make your life much more complicated, especially when you don’t have the cash to pay for the repairs on your own. But don’t start thinking of ways you can live with those burst pipes or that tree through your roof just yet. Take a deep breath and read on. There may still be hope.
Homeowners Claims: What now?
Homeowners insurance is designed to protect a home against damages to the house or possessions of the home. If the day comes when you need to file a claim on your home, it is smart to know the claim payment process ahead of time, as well as the steps you as a homeowner can take to prepare. Here is what you need to know about the claim process:
Claim Process
Step 1:
First, you will need to make a claim to your insurance company. The claim service professional will help guide and manage your claim process. Your insurance agent will also help answer or guide you through any questions you may have about your policy, deductible, or other question you may have.
Step 2:
A claim professional will obtain information about your loss, discuss your policy coverage and endorsements, etc.
Step 3:
A claims professional will continue guiding you through the process. In this step, you may expect and the adjuster will inspect your home, they will investigate your property and the covered damages, document damages such as take photos or samples, and interview those involved as well as offer you money for the repairs. After the estimate is completed, then you should receive a check from your insurance company, this is an advance for the settlement, this is not the final amount. Note that if you have damage to both your home and personal belongings you should receive to separate checks for each category of damage.
Step 4:
Once the evaluation process has taken place, your insurance company will work with you to resolve your claim. In this step you claim professional will issue a payment for the repairs. Also, a check for living expenses may be available. This money is designed to cover expenses for hotels and other expenses if you cannot live in your home while it is being fixed.
Step 5:
Once the claim has been resolved to your policy, the claim will be closed. If you find other damages, later on, you can “reopen” the claim and file for an additional amount. Remember that most policies require claims to be filed within one year.
It is a good idea to add up the cost of everything inside your home and keep this updated throughout the year. Your personal inventory will help you remember things you may have lost in the case you lose them.
A Note from SGB Insurance:
SGB Insurance encourages you to expect the unexpected and prepare for anything life may face you with. Come into SGB Insurance agency and speak with one of our insurance professionals on how we can help protect you and your home with the insurance specialized to your needs. Need Help?
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